Who's online from my team???

Discussion in 'LGNFL' started by Rayqwan29, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. Rayqwan29

    Rayqwan29 Go Blue!

    Jun 7, 2014
    Trophy Points:
    +119 / 0 / -5
    Ever want to know who's online from your team so you can practice or play together? Sounds like a good idea. Well, if they aren't on your friends list don't worry. All you have to do is go to your locker room and look over to the right. You should see a big logo for your team and under that is a team chat box. Scroll down a bit further and there you will see your team roster. There are two tabs in orange. Click the one that says Xbox live status and what do you know, it tells you who's online. That's it. Not hard at all. Hope this helps.