LGFA - State of the league address.

Discussion in 'Leaguegaming FIFA Association (Discontinued)' started by Bottomless Pit, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. Bottomless Pit

    Bottomless Pit I'm all about defense & shutting down the offense.

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    @MCDONALD l19l ; @Ozzyng2 ; @Tris10 - Please force read this to the site.

    As we approach the end of the season (1 week left, then playoffs) for Season 4, there's a great number of things to look back on, shaping our direction - or at least playing a major role - for what to look forward to. The message below comes as the result of recent communication between Tris10, site admins and LGFA staff.

    We wanted to take the time provide to you some information about LGFA's future. Keep in mind please that some answers lead to more questions.

    1st - let me reiterate something I have tried to implant into the very veins of LGFA:

    Many members, management, even staff have been asking 1 common question:

    Are we going to see any priority, focus, attention and development geared to LGFA and when?

    These are the responses received:

    MCDONALD l19l

    LGv5 is front and center for the site and hence for LGFA. We have made some good progress and poured in the cement for a good foundation which still needs settling. We look forward to LGv5 and every release and tidbit of information of what Tris10 and developers are preparing not just for us, but for the entire site. LGHL is almost 10x bigger than LGFA in it's current state just exceeding 2000 members in it's latest completed season (S21). Clearly much of the focus will be based on what's needed for them. This comes with many advantages to us including having them figure out some of the glitches that come with new software implementation and development.

    The off-season is the PRIMARY time for decision making for the league. We want YOU to be involved as much as possible. Schedules, management, targeted signups, season length & how many seasons, rule changes, constitution reform, preventing previous mistakes from re-occurring, features suggestion and 'tweaking', staff selection, and many other priorities are determined during this time. It is imperative that players speak up and make their opinions, voices, even emotion & passion for LGFA known. We need to know what you want, what you don't want, things you like and didn't like, suggestions and so much more.

    The goal is to take our time to plan for S5 properly and put additional measures and planning in place for players to have a much better, desireable and memorable experience such that they will want to (almost be unable to refrain from not) promoting the league to friends, family and through social media. The goal is to develop our brand, tweak what makes us LGFA, and build our community - its members, management, staff, players - with some improvements to tools/features....but restrained to not impede Tris10 and developers on LGv5. We want you to want to be here and to bring your friends.

    No, not everyone can play together - as in clubs (all the time). What will be seen is one 'niche' that LG has....based on league simulation, the ingenuity our members have...and the capabilities our site owner delivers on. Yes, we need management that will not allow team(s) to fold, forfeits to be given up (or possibly taken) when possible. We also want players that will play to the very last game even if in last place and not in contention for playoffs, or if having difficulties with their management/teammates. We want to raise our skill level individually and as a team/league to surpass that of any other virtual league on the planet.

    Please - speak up and keep the forums and LGFA chat box alive and vibrant with activity. Take initiative where you are willing to commit to it...but also able to meet the role's responsibilities. The easiest place to start...is with questions. Ask and we will do our best to answer.

    How will we achieve all this...and when?

    ...we've got many many things planned of our own (staff and management)...we just have to do what we can...plan for what we want.....and constructively work together. All of this can't be accomplished in just a few days and every person has a part to play (even if that is committing to just be an active skilled player with a positive infulence on others in the league...or posting in forums during off season)....

    ...we will do this by having many of our management return...and encouraging our members to become more active in the forums, chat box...and social media. We will do it with Tris10's efforts with LGv5 (link to related info here: http://www.leaguegaming.com/forums/showthread.php?222631-What-Does-LGv5-mean-to-the-LGFA). We will do it together as a community.

    ........stay tuned.......LGFA S5 is going to be awesome !!


    tagging LGFA members:

    @A1BuzzKill @abPPLPcd @AceEzzy @Ahernn @Albino Lions @AmAziNg AiiM @AmAziNg Smoggyy @Amendment64 @aMz Brawler @AngusCheesteak @AnOriginalNamex @Ardymise @Auto Jets @Avid Notes @B l e n d x 1 3 @Bachelur @BacKLuND x 22 @BARELYJEWISH92 @barrack87 @BaTiSTuTa l 9 l @BearsNR5 @Ben l 6 l @BIGFINS21 @BioHizzle @Bitetto02 @BLACKCOUGA @Blade mtl @boilerup700 @Bottomless Pit @Bramble l 19 l @BreAKinUsQuaREs @Breckeeezy @Briggzyy @Brisan66 @bruce bruce 22 @C4 x CR3AMY @Cage Technique @Cannibal Llamas @Capt Distracto6 @cem3nt @CHAMPIOFIBER8 @Chivs01 @chopdukes @Collie Genetics @Collier l 11 l @Connor l 18 l @Cpt Juizo @CR7 Longshots @CT 66 @CUBSBLO @CUMMINS x 7 @d3AdxPiX3l @Da GeRmAiNiAc @Dank Magician59 @DAxFranchise @DeadliestGhosts @Dem0nic Furbie @denverocks @Desire STK @DeStefano x @Devin l94l @DiLo l 19 l @Dimitri x l19l @Dino523 @Distracto @Dodyhoops23 @DoobTrayn @DoopArmyZolo @Draxla @Dropbows @dstokes31 @Dublisto @EatMyHersheyBar @EEE11 @EG Soul Reaver @emmuhstoned @Energy Recharge @ENGchap77 @Eric Dang @ermahgerdTORnk @ExoticWarTurtle @Fellipe l 11 l @Fisher x 81 @FiveNakedNinjas @Flailinhoo @FlawedxVictory @Flaxs94 @Foley33102 @Frank QC 96 @fredstar0418 @FuRy x Legendz @FwC Danny @Gaara No Sabaku @GABBY l12l @GB521 @Geo121109 @GeriatricPickl3 @Gimme a Brewski @GmenNum10 @Go Heels 2 @GoLdeNcHiLd0411 @GolSki40 @gordy5567 @Greek18 @Grinker @Grk n1ck1023 @Guppy J 007 @HAAA YESSS @Havens l 6 l @HemligKrigaren @Henriques I 3 I @HightopM0CCASIN @HobO0nurporch @Huether 10 @HulkSmash6991 @Hunter 3295 @HuskyMarlin @HYPE RAZOR @hype86 @I BiG BoSS I @I REX l @I Smell A Taco @IcyJunior @iExecute Panda @ii GL0BAL ii @II Snackz II @iiShwin @Im Dewbert @Imagamer x88x @Immobile I 9 I @iMMuNiiTy @in8ability2212 @IndianaU @Inform Vidal @Ivan Provorov @J a IMI e S x22 @J13 x F3aR RG @JARJAR420 @jayblob @JC POP OFF @Jebidiah Jamezy @Jiggyfry @Johnykube20 @Jules Winfield4 @K inG x NeymaR @KCNightshade @Kesler02 @KEVINHHO @KillaAqua99 @Killersquirelz @Kilo Holiday @KIungo @KNIFEinYOURguts @kpy86 @krambboro10 @Kryss85 @Kschepis @Kungfoo Asian @Kwanny D @l BOOMER l 14 l @l g s t a t l @l Kang l @l KC97 l @l King Hull l @l NavyVeteran l @l Nylander l @l Sakic x 19 l @l Smitty l x21 @l THiZz I @l Trae l @l ZIPPZ l @Lalonde22 @Lamb x l37l @lDBl joaho 10 @lF A R V A @Live Easily @lL A lK lE @ll Gibby12Yr ll @llFLEURY ll29ll @LonexEAGLEx @LoSky WoSkY @Lovelady09 @MachoSob @mackay 27 @Mackin Tahj @MadeOfTwoFaces @Majestic Soulss @Manbearp1g 86 @marino swag @Marshosaurus @Matt in Prime @Maverik19 @Maystroh @McCann x94 @Melroses Mullet @Mezoh STK @mfrichardson @MILOSx86 @Mindfreak38 @MisterRAWness @MMC BALLisWAVY @Mr Blain3r @Mr SlugFest @MUTxMASTERxKING @Natural Michu @Neomicro @Neon Anarchy @Newbie in HD @nicholas08chick @Nickx91 @NINJA IN A BOX @NinoRT9 @Noopy09 @NotMikeD @o McCullough o @o Rockkstarr o @OG No MeRcYx @OG rb @OgN GodOfWAR @OnDaFly91 @oooooh nooooo @ORod80 @Owen l 10 l @pacerfan317 @Paok04 @PastHope xX @Percy Snized @PHILLY BBALL @Phrezno @Predddyy @Proud Gay Dad @Prymerr @PVT McBain @Rageican @Rambo De Leon x @randy085 @Rav l 10 l @rdonley7 @Redrok13 @redwingfreak13 @rekurday @Rico 1N @rodriguez l2l @RolexOnMySide @Romero l 4 l @RoonMastaFlex @SA Burt Macklin @SA Reflex Pro @Salty Milk Bags @SCFC x Beast @ScFi89 @Scheckel29 @Scott Swag City @Selantez l 19 l @SergeiPlotnikov @Serpe x 13 @SG xDelirious @Shaun1126 @ShortyxLOSE @sicka moose 239 @SirMikeKnight @SkeTchy12 @SKOOMA NINJA @SmellyCord592 @Snuffer xX @SoccerxxxGod99 @Some fat gezer @SPEED l20l @SpillShot @Squamtastic @sSixAxiSs @ST4RZ Ty @stephen12346 @Stop Noto @STRICTLY GATOR @STRICTLY H4TTY @Stronghand36 @Sugabetes @SuperPopMan8 @Suter x 20 @SweeT 9 LoU 84 @swiss97 @T N a S tT y @TachyonicBoot23 @Tacosunday @TCMRauly @Terronce @Texas Tenant @TF CamPU @TH3 WID0WMAK3R @THC BeerMetal @THE HD HAZARD @The Master I Am @TheePastorDave @TheNatural21 @Theres My Bones @Thibeault x @TIMBORULES @TINO45REAPER @Traggix @True Complexity @tsuifa @Tubbyturbo13 @TuffNut29 @TwisTd AsSaSsIn @Twiztid Kris @U MAD BRUUHH @U90 l Robben @UD allstarrider @Vanquish TM @VASILEVSKI l30l @Viktomize @VINCENZOOOOOO @Viva Reyes @W1KD84 @Walker l 2 l @Weedy683 @Wellsy x 61 @Whiteb0y902 @Whyte Shade @Wickersham I11I @WING ZER0 X @WontonSoupx73 @WOO IS BACK @x APUF x @x Oshie 74 x @xBrian xFantana @xCr4cKx Ochoa @xFuturistiic @xHippie Pigeonx @xI bearjuden Ix @xii kRYSTAL iix @Xio GShep @xIx Mac xIx @xMidget Prox @xNazzy19x @xRG4x @Xtrpwn21 @XxITzJOHNNY16xX @xXLAICHXx21 @xXM3naceXx @xXShadillacXx @XxSmarTz @xXxliL CHoDxXx @Y0u MA4D 8R0 @Yantzer x 84 @You Got Obamad @z3phyr IV @z7777isunlucky @zDoosh
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
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  2. Chum lLee

    Chum lLee Chum lLee

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    LEEEE DUDEEE11 Well-Known Member

    Mar 29, 2015
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    ok sounds good
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  4. Better Clutch

    Better Clutch Well-Known Member

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    sup people
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